the home of science, arts and inspiration

Give us your views: Climate change in South Kensington

Do you care about how climate change is affecting South Kensington?  Then please share your views with us in this survey:

Discover South Kensington, through its South Kensington Zero Emissions Nature Positive (South Ken ZEN+) programme, has commissioned a small project to explore how we can work together to make South Kensington greener and more resilient to a changing climate.

The project, which will run from May to July 2024, aims to reach people who spend a lot of time in the neighbourhood – specifically local residents, businesses, the 20k+ students and 10k+ people who work in the area, as well as local community and amenity groups. 

South Kensington’s cultural, educational and scientific institutions in this neighbourhood are all already working to make their operations more sustainable and reduce their emissions.  Now we want to work with local stakeholders to understand how climate change is affecting South Kensington and explore what we could do about it together.

How has climate change impacted this neighbourhood so far? How do you think we should respond to the challenges of a hotter, drier, and stormier climate?  How can we create more opportunities for nature and biodiversity to thrive here?

Please share your ideas with us for how to better support biodiversity, introduce more greenery and ensure that South Kensington remains a cherished place to be in the face of a rapidly changing climate. 


We will also be hosting two interactive workshops in early July to explore some of the findings of the survey and gather further feedback from key stakeholders. If you’re interested, get in touch by emailing

All images credited to: Allies and Morrison