'Holiday' is set in a picturesque Italian seaside town during the height of summer. Directed by Edoardo Gabbriellini — known for his 2012 feature The Landlords, as well as for his performances in Luca Guadagnino’s 2009 I Am Love and Paolo Virzì’s 1997 Hardboiled Egg, for which he won best actor at the Venice International Film Festival.
This suspenseful and perturbing film chronicles a subtle cat-and-mouse game that unfolds after Veronica (Margherita Corradi), just before her 20th birthday, is released from prison following a long and public trial where she was accused of brutally murdering her mother and her mother’s lover. Despite being found not guilty in court, Veronica faces societal scrutiny and ostracization. Determined to reclaim her life and innocence, Veronica embarks on a journey marked by intrigue and self-discovery. An unsettling and thrilling dive into the depths of the human soul.
Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Italian cinema and engage with the talented director, Edoardo Gabbriellini, while, watching a film in one of London's renowned arthouse cinemas. For more information click here.
The special screening is on Sunday 24th March at 4.35pm at Cine Lumiere at the Institut français.
To enter, simply sign up below! The competition will close at midday on 21st March.
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